Undergraduate Paper Deadline December 15

Students at institutions in the Southeast Region are invited to submit papers for the Undergraduate Sessions, sponsored by SECSOR. Open to all topics, the sessions will be composed of the papers considered the best submissions by an interdisciplinary committee. Students should submit completed papers that reflect original student research of an appropriate length for presentation (approximately 12 double-spaced pages). No paper over 15 double-spaced pages, regular size font, will be considered; one submission per student. On a cover page, please include contact information for the student and a faculty sponsor who has reviewed the submission. Complete papers are to be submitted through the Google Docs link no later than December 15, 2017. The link is available at the “Proposal Submission Form” tab at the top of the SECSOR home page. Questions may be directed to the program chairs: for AAR, Dr. Joseph Winters (Joseph.Winters@duke.edu); for SBL, Dr. Phillip Michael Sherman, (Phillip.Sherman@maryvillecollege.edu).
All undergraduate papers are automatically considered for the Undergraduate Paper Prize.